Hi Consumers!

  • Contobox helps provide advertising that is as relevant and useful as possible based on a variety of factors. Personalization can be informed by various things you’ve clicked on in an ad such as different brands, products, features or pricing. Read about Contobox’s privacy and advertising practices to learn more about how Contobox selects the ads you see.
  • Who put this ad in front of me?

  • This ad was served by Contobox
  • Why am I seeing this ad?

  • Certain factors like your activity within previous ads, demographic data, apps on your device, and location information may be used to select the ads you see.
  • What choices do I have?

  • You can opt-out completely from Contobox retargeting you with personalized ads on future campaigns via the form below. Please note that if you delete, block, or otherwise restrict cookies, or if you use a different computer or Internet browser, you will need to renew your opt-out choice on each device and browser.
  • View our Terms of Use
  • Visit the Network Advertising Initiative (US) and the Digital Advertising Alliance - DAA (US), EDAA (EU), DAAC(Canada), ADAA (AU/NZ) to see your opt-out choices from other participating companies.
  • Explore other controls and tools to help set and maintain your privacy choices